
Ugo city bags

If you are a mountains and hicking lover, but also for all the occasions you need your hands free and more balance. If you are looking for a dachshund carrier backback that is equally practical for you and perfect for the wellbeing of your sausage dog.

Ugo Backpack is the carrier for your needs: the movements are long and toughs, your dachshund  must be safe.

Our Ugo Backpack for aventures

Ugo Backpack carrier is conceived for the long and challenging hikes when to rest is necessary for your dachshund, or for any other situation where you’ll need more balance.  The shoulder straps design allows you, by simply crossing them, to wear it conveniently in the front, to have your doxie always in sight, or on the back; you choose the way that suits your needs best to carry your dachshund!

Two unfastening hooks allow you to quickly close the backpack once your friend’s inside: the laces must be tied so that the bottom is in a horizontal position. It’s designed to mind your needs too: you can fold it so that you can always carry it with you in either his case or in your own bag.

Made in Italy

How to wear
Ugo Backpack 

How to wear your Ugo backpack bag
Download the use instructions

Personalize your Ugo

Cover set
